Listen to no one
Trust not in the walls or doorways
For they will mislead
And close behind you
As you walk through
The forest, not knowing
Where you’ve come from
Or where you’re going …
If anywhere at all.
― Renée Paule, Just Around The Bend: Más o Menos
Vintage outdoor illustration of a Victorian mother and her daughters on a walk in the great outdoors. From an 1861 issue of Journal des Demoiselles.
You can download theis vintage illustration as a free 8" x 10" @ 300 ppi JPEG without a watermark for collage, graphic design, papercrafts or scrapbooking projects here.

From my personal collection of ephemera. These images are to be incorporated into your creative endeavors and not for resale or re-distribution "as-is". Please credit as your source when sharing or publishing.