Rose! ever wearing beauty for thy dower!
The bridal-day ― the festival ― the tomb ―
Thou hast thy part in each, thou stateliest flower!
Therefore with thy soft breath come floating by
A thousand images of love and grief,
Dreams, fill'd with tokens of mortality,
Deep thoughts of all things beautiful and brief.
Not such thy spells o'er those that hail'd thee first,
In the clear light of Eden's golden day!
There thy rich leaves to crimson glory burst,
Link'd with no dim remembrance of decay.
Rose! for the banquet gather'd, and the bier;
Rose colour'd now by human hope and pain;
Surely where death is not -- not change, nor fear,
Yet may we meet thee, Joy's own flower again!
You can download this poem as an 8.5" x 11" @ 300 ppi JPEG without a watermark here for use in cardmaking and nature journal projects or simply print and frame for wall art.

Public domain poem is from my personal collection. All digitized poems by are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please credit and link back to as your source if you use or share this work.