
TERMS OF USE updated January 1, 2024. These supersede any previous Terms of Use. Please note that though the images scanned from my personal collection are public domain, the digital files you are downloading were created by and belong to FieldandGarden.com. These images are not to be re-sold or re-distributed "as-is" in digital form (particularly NFTs) without prior written consent from FieldandGarden.com.

Creative Commons Licence
From my personal collection of ephemera. These images are to be incorporated into your creative endeavors and not for resale or re-distribution "as-is". Please credit FieldandGarden.com as your source when sharing or publishing.

:: About public domain ::
The public domain material that I post on this site appeared in print before 1925, where no copyright exists or where the copyright is believed to have expired. If you believe that any antique/vintage images and texts are not part of the public domain, please email me immediately and I will remove the image from my site.


To the best of my knowledge, all the images and text in my personal collection of vintage/antique books, publications and ephemera are part of the public domain in many countries. However, laws on copyright may vary from one country to the next. It is your responsibility to determine and satisfy copyright or other restrictions when publishing or otherwise using the materials found within this repository of pictures and text. I do not offer guarantees or warranties of any kind regarding their public domain status, or their suitability for any purpose. In all cases, responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an image or reference text, and securing any necessary permissions to utilize these images or reference texts ultimately rests with the person(s) desiring to use these materials.

In no event shall I be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the use or other dealings in the images and files obtained from this site or any of my associated sites.

While by no means comprehensive, you can find a list of some countries' copyright length here.

:: About me ::
I am a legally blind photographer and mixed media artist. I am also, among many things, a: not-so-perfect wife and mother, gardening junkie, collector of old things, blogger, cook, baker, scribbler, restless wanderer and enthusiastic hiker.

As a child growing up on the island of Borneo, I developed a lifelong passion and respect for the environment. When I was first diagnosed with ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (OHS) in 1991, I sought peace and strength through countless hours of solitary walking in parkland, by the seashore and working in the garden. Through total central vision loss, and most recently in early 2016, cancer diagnosis and treatment, I continue to find much comfort and solace in the natural world.

My husband and I, along with our daughter, enjoy walking and RVing around Ontario. We would love to make more trips around Canada to explore this magnificent country of ours.

:: About my photography gear ::
Nikon D850
Nikon 28-300mm F/3.5-5.6G
Nikon 105mm f2.8G